Welcome to Jubilee Family Church, where you can be part of the family!

I'm a covenant member.About Us...

Jubilee Family Church is an interdenominational spirit filled fellowship.
While we hold ties to no particular church denomination, we are not anti-denominational. It is our belief that the Body of Christ cannot be contained within a single denominational structure. Therefore, we choose to fellowship with all those of like precious faith.

Church Government
The government of Jubilee Church is entrusted to the Senior Minister and Elders. These are men recognized as both scripturally and spiritually qualified for oversight of the church as God's delegated authorities. The group of elders is the spiritual covering for the church, ultimately responsible for all decisions. The Senior Minister is considered the chief vision-caster or “point man” for the congregation, just as Moses was for God’s congregation in the Old Testament, with the elders sharing in the governing of the Body. The Senior Minister and elders work together as a governing team each contributing to the overall ministry. We seek to operate in the safety found “in the multitude of counselors” Proverbs 11:14 speaks of. Jesus is recognized as the Head of the church, and the Senior Minister and elders as God’s delegated authorities to carry out the will of God. We believe this is the apostolic pattern necessary for a true New Testament Church.

Church Membership
Everyone is welcome to attend Jubilee Family Church and participate in the ministry. For those who want to step to a different level of commitment we have covenant membership. In order to be a covenant member of the church you must agree to operate by the following 7 principles of faith and conduct.

  1. Show up I will attend services faithfully. Hebrews 10:25, Matthew 18:20
  2. Get involved I will strive to find my place of ministry by listening to God’s voice and obeying. 1 Corinthians 12:27, 2 Corinthians 5:18
  3. Give Generously I will be a giver.  I’ll practice the principle of the tithe and give sacrificially in offerings as I’m led by the Holy Spirit.  2 Corinthians 8:2, Matthew 23:23
  4. Demonstrate I will do my best to receive Gods grace so I can represent Christ properly to my Earthly family, Church family and the lost.  Titus 2:7a
  5. Resolve Conflict I commit to resolve conflicts with other church attendees.  I surrender my rights to hold a grudge and be bitter.  I will genuinely forgive my brothers and sisters in Christ when they hurt my feelings.  Ephesians 4:26; Matthew 18:15-17; Matthew 5:39
  6. Submit to Authority I commit to submit my ideas on how things ought to be to the church eldership. Hebrews 13:17.   I also commit to submit myself to the counsel I receive from church eldership honoring their time and experience.  Proverbs 15:22
  7. Honor I commit to honor my brothers and sisters in Christ.  I’ll do this by speaking kind and uplifting words about them in public and private.  If I ever need to discuss anything negative with anyone about someone else in the church I commit to do it in private and only when the person I’m talking to is directly involved already and is a partof the solution.  Romans 12:10, 1 Peter 2:17

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