Welcome to Jubilee Family Church, where you can be part of the family!

How to Make a Donation

Online Contribution:
You can give online through PayPal's online service by clicking the "donate" button below.

Charitable Giving
You can make a positive difference in the lives of many people by supporting the vision of Jubilee Family Church.  Your contribution supports important life changing ministry and extends the vision as well as benovelent help for the poor. This gift can touch the ends of the Earth, can effect people for Christ in Independence County and also be used right here in the Batesville City area. Your gift can be in the form of cash, securities, retirement plans, life insurance, and/or real estate.

Please take a moment to contact the church office at (870) 793-9124 to discuss the best arrangement for you.

Auto Gift
If you're like most people your life has become very busy and hectic. Auto Gift is the convenient way you can support the vision of Jubilee Family Church. Simply click here and print the two page form. Fill out the form designating the amount you want to give and the frequency. This amount will then be debited from your checking or savings account when you specify. This is a worry free way to support the ministries of Jubilee Family Church, we're making a difference.

Planned Giving
Sometimes unexpected events change our priorities - and our lives - forever!  When you plan properly for your own lifetime security, you often discover something fascinating.  You may have the means to care for yourself, provide an adequate estate for your loved ones, and arrange a meaningful estate gift that will make an ongoing difference in the lives of others.

Please let us know if your estate plan includes a gift to Jubilee Family Church Inc. so we may thank you.

Wills and Bequests
Please use the following language to remember the Jubilee Family Church Inc. in your will:

Specific Bequest: "I give, devise, and bequeath to the Jubilee Family Church Inc. located in Batesville, Arkansas $____________."

Residuary Bequest: "I give, devise, and bequeath to the Jubilee Family Church Inc. located in Batesville, Arkansas______percent (or all) of the remainder of my estate."

Memorial Contribution
A memorial contribution is a meaningful way to tell the family of the deceased that the life that has just passed will continue to live on through the work of Jubilee Family Church.  For every memorial contribution to honor a loved one or friend, an appropriate card is sent to a designee by the church on behalf of the contributor, although the amount of the donation is not disclosed.   Additionally, Jubilee Family Church sponsors a Tributes program, which allows the contributor to honor someone in the same manner but for any occasion - graduations, weddings, Father's Day, Mother's day, birthdays, anniversaries, or any other occasion.  For more information contact the church by calling (870) 793-9124

Vehicle Donation
That old vehicle or boat in your garage may be a bit weathered but it still has miles to go - - in fact you can save souls with it.  The church has a program, which allows people to donate their used vehicles and boats, and in the process make a significant contribution in the fight against sin and the destructive forces of evil in the Earth.  Prospective donors call the church office to schedule a pickup and ensure their donation to Jubilee Family Chruch Inc.

If you have any questions, please call the Jubilee Family Church at (870) 793-9124

All donations are tax deductable under IRS codes relating to 501(c)(3) tax laws.

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Copyright (c) 2011 Jubilee Family Church